Homework Term 4

Every week you will have:
To be completed in your homework book

1. Spelling words to practice and put into a sentence 
2. Brick practice - remember those goals! How many are you aiming to pass this term?
3. Reading - your reading log must be completed and signed at the end of each week.
4. Homework task - there will be a research, creative or mathematical task that fits in with what we are doing in class. (This may not be every week)

What happens if I don't complete my homework? 
You will be completing it during your break times. This will include spelling, Brick, reading + log and your 'Homework task' 


  1. Ok im on it sarah (hopefully <:/)

  2. I tried out science buddies for extra ideas for my protect.
    And it was awesome.

    From Hanna
