Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Plant & Food Research Visit

Today Kereru class visited the Canterbury Plant and Food Research center.

It was fascinating! We learned so much about soil as a habitat, potatoes pests, controlling these pests and breeding programmes for potatoes.

Check out the photos form the day.

Plant & Food Research Visit on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Non-point Source contamination

Today in Kereru we created this model to help explain 'Non-point source contamination'.

Non-point source conatmination means that pollutants enter the ground in an area that is not well defined. Sources of pollutants can include surface run-off of water or include pesticides that have been used for farming purposes and are carried with the water entering the ground to eventually enter streams and lakes.

Sifting Soil

What is in soil?

Today we looked at different types of soil around the school grounds. We used a sieve to separate the larger stones and clumps.

There were many statements made:

"The more moisture in the soil, the more life we can see"

"The dry soil has smaller bugs compared to the larger insects such as centipedes in the moist soil"

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Cyber Safety

Today John Parsons came to talk to Kereru and Kiwi class about keeping safe when online. We learnt a lot about what to look out for and what to do if you feel unsafe. 
Never take photos of people if they don't know you are taking.
Always ask permission before putting photos of other people on the Internet. 
Don't include real photos or names when playing online games.
'Scrub out' any information such as licence plate numbers on cars. 

Calligraphy on magic paper.

On Monday Kereru had and awesome lesson learning how to write Chinese characters using a Chinese calligraphy brush and magic paper!!