Friday, 28 November 2014

Careers Day in Kereru

On Wednesday Kereru learners spread throughout Christchurch to have a little taste of what it is like in a workplace.
We had people in Pre-Schools, Architects, Joiners, Interior designers, Cafes, Radio stations, SPCA and St Johns. A big thank you to all those businesses that offered their time and services!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

The latest creations from Kereru class - Geri's Game Movies.

In literacy Kereru has been looking at dialogue, character descriptions and the power of facial expression and body language when acting.

We first looked at the mini Pixar film called Ger's Game and analysed the clip.

Please check out our clips - click on the You Tube link on our page or search Kererukorero channel on You Tube to view and comment :)


Check out what Jordan and Nick have been doing at Digifest!

This is the Blog Jordan and Nick have created at Digifest. Please check it out and comment!

Monday, 17 November 2014

Check out the latest Kereru writing!!...

Go the the 'Wicked Writers' page and read some of the samples of work written by the students in Kereru class.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Science enquiry with Kiwi

The learners in Kereru and Kiwi have been working together to carry out experiments to investigate the strength and absorbency of different types of paper!!

Operation Christmas Child...

The boxes are packed, and sent away. Thank you to the 9 students from Kereru who volunteered to pack a shoe box filled with Christmas goodies for a child in Iraq. You are all incredibly generous people.