Tuesday, 28 May 2013

National Young Leaders Day

Cam Calkoen letting us in on the secrets of being a great leader

Sophie and Nicole enjoying NYLD//13

Jason Gunn, sharing wisdom on being a leader
Above are photos of National Young Leaders Day which 18 Kereru students went to today. We all had an amazing time and were very inspired by the speakers. Our favourite speakers were Cam and Christian. Christian was very funny and entertaining. Cam, who has cerebral palsy, was hugely inspiring. We learnt a lot and hope to put it into action soon.
Great quotes from NYLD//13:
If you want to get better at something, hang out with people who are already good at it.
Be the best version of yourself.
Bad days are days that make us stronger.
Do something every day that scares you.
Build a dream and the dream will build you. 
And best of all...
Life is what we make it and I choose to make it AWESOME!!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Haere mai! Welcome!

Kia ora everyone,

Well, we've finally got around to it and created a Kereru Class Blog. Welcome to our new page. We hope you visit here often.
I'm looking forward to the learning that we will be doing this year, especially in the area of ICT. I'm excited about the future posts that Kereru Students will add to show off their fantastic learning and creativity.
Thank you for viewing our blog.
We look forward to seeing you again shortly
Amy Millar,
Kereru Class Teacher