Tuesday 24 February 2015


This is kereu class celebrating the Chinese New Year. We all had to bring along a type Chinese food. We played the rice race. The aim of game is to get as much rice from one plate to another using chop sticks. 

Friday 20 February 2015

Ask me about...

This week has been another busy week, please ask your child about the following:
- Camp letter
- Chinese New Year Celebrations
- Chuck Close Art Work
- Triathlon training 
-  Leadership groups chosen
- William Pike article (Selwyn Times)
- Statistics
- Poetry
- Blog posts! 

Monday - Cricket
Tuesday - Swimming Sports
Wednesday - Triathlon
Thursday - Katrina 
Friday - Tech & Sports

Chinese New Year feast

Everyone in Kereru brought Chinese food. Yum! Lots of people made the food at home. 

Kereru Calendar

Don't forget to check the Kereru Calendar page at the top of this blog for important dates and times.

First taste of Technology and Lincoln Coaches for 2015 - What an awesome day!

Such an awesome day at Technology last Friday. It was great to see how on task and involved the Ladbrooks Learners were!
Lincoln High School coaches were a hit! We hope the good weather continues next week.

Thursday 12 February 2015

On Thursday Katrina came back. It was her first time back. This week with Katrina we were focusing on cricket.

This is Kereru with William Pike visiting ladbrooks school,he told all about his amazing story about the loss of his leg in a volcanic eruption and gave us tips about achievement. Everyone had a great time.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Parent Information Session and Picnic :)

Parent information sessions will be held in Kereru class for parents at 3:15 and 5:15 today. The Ladbrooks picnic will start after the second session has finished - please bring dinner for your family :) The BBQ will be running. See you there!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Waitangi Day

Only the second day of school but we have learnt a lot and done heaps of work, we have do some work on Waitangi Day and we got a sheet, then we have to write down some things that Waitangi Day means to us( we had to write more than 5 things) then we have to cut out the hexagon and we go into our group. Have a look at the photos. 

Pool photos by Tyler